Videos of Basic Tangowork Chatbot Accelertor Features

by Chris McGrath | Feb 7, 2017

Check out these four super-short videos to get an overview of the basic employee chatbot features in the Tangowork Chatbot Accelerator.

Access it from your messaging app

To start using your chatbot, just say “hi” using your favourite messaging app. This video also demonstrates passwordless authentication via SMS code.

Use regular language

You can talk or type normally with the Tangowork Chatbot Accelerator. You can use terse commands like “news” or “schedules”, but you can also say things like “Hey chatbot, show me the delivery schedule for store 32”. This video demonstrates Tangowork Chatbot Accelerator’s use of AI to do natural language processing.

Add content from the management console

A browser-based management console makes it easy to add content, or “Messages”, to the Tangowork Chatbot Accelerator. Once added, these messages can be instantly accessed by employees.

Send broadcasts from the management console

To send push messages to your employees, use “Broadcasts”. This video gives a fast walk-through of the broadcasting interface in the Tangowork Chatbot Accelerator.